This bread will be taking the form of a wreath of small rolls each to be broken off and eaten from the circle in turn. The author suggests serving it with various meats or anti pasta. So I will try it with some cheese once the bread is done.
Well the bread got off to a good start. I let my starter sit a little extra longer then I should have but that helped get yeast throughout the dough and it has more then doubled during the first hour and a half rise.
After the first rise I had to break the dough into several parts. The book said 12 to 14 rolls should come out of each batch. Unfortunately, I am working in less then ideal conditions and have a rather small oven. So I had to do two wreaths of 5 with 2 extras being baked by themselves.
Well the rolls have come out of the oven now and they smell fantastic. A lot like the bread you would get at an italian restaurant. Which would make sense considering the book I am using.
Finished Rolls:
I must add, after everyone tried it they all agreed this bread has been the best I have made so far.
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